Small Opera

Small Opera is the brainchild of the multifaceted Jason Bienia. He gracefully weaves together a diverse array of genres to cultivate a refreshingly unique sound. In 2019 the musically lush and enthralling project Small Opera was born. The band consists of Jason, Shadi- Toloui- Wallace and the gifted Greg Coles on standup bass. Shadi has four impressive solo albums under her belt and was in the Vancouver based neo-funk band Tiny Havoc. They are joined by the gifted Greg Coles on standup bass, a professional jazz player who has played extensively and globally. He performs and writes music under the moniker Ecstatic Quiet, a powerful and innovative modular synth project. Small Opera are packed to the brim with depth, skill and diversity. Their extensive experience lends itself well to this wonderfully experimental project. The band name is inspired by “the grandiose nature of seemingly small moments.” Their music is both calming and dizzying, stirring up a slew of undiscovered emotions. Small Opera’s debut EP “New River” showcases their accessible complexity and poetic stylings. They are inspired by the charming campiness of David Lynch, the witty songwriting of local legend Destroyer and the heartstring plucking of Gord Downie’s solo recordings. Their music travels the intersection between art-rock and folk, it’s experimental but it knows where it's going. “New River” takes you on a scenic walk through their endlessly captivating sonic vision.


Stone Poets

